angular 6 captcha example


Sure! Below is an example of how to implement a simple captcha in an Angular 6 application. Captchas are commonly used to prevent automated abuse of web forms and to ensure that the user is human.

Step 1: Set up a new Angular 6 project (skip if you already have one)


npm install -g @angular/cli # Install Angular CLI globally

ng new angular-captcha-example # Create a new Angular project

cd angular-captcha-example # Move into the project folder


Step 2: Generate a new component for the captcha


ng generate component captcha


Step 3: Implement the captcha component template and logic

In the `captcha.component.html` file, add the following code:


Captcha Image


In the `captcha.component.ts` file, add the following code:


import { Component, OnInit } from '@angular/core';

import { HttpClient } from '@angular/common/http';


selector: 'app-captcha',
templateUrl: './captcha.component.html',
styleUrls: ['./captcha.component.css']


export class CaptchaComponent implements OnInit {

captchaImage: string;
userInput: string;

constructor(private http: HttpClient) { }

ngOnInit(): void {



refreshCaptcha(): void {

// Replace the URL with your backend API endpoint that generates a new captcha image

const captchaUrl = 'https://your-backend-api/captcha';
this.http.get(captchaUrl, { responseType: 'text' }).subscribe((captcha: string) => {

this.captchaImage = captcha;

this.userInput = ''; // Clear user input when refreshing captcha



validateCaptcha(): void {

// Replace the URL with your backend API endpoint that validates the captcha

const validationUrl = 'https://your-backend-api/validate-captcha';, { userInput: this.userInput }, { responseType: 'text' })
.subscribe((response: string) => {

if (response === 'success') {

alert('Captcha validation successful!'); // Replace with your preferred success handling


} else {

alert('Captcha validation failed! Please try again.'); // Replace with your preferred error handling






Step 4: Styling (Optional)

You can style the captcha container and input fields according to your application's design. Create a `captcha.component.css` file and add your styles there.

Step 5: Add the CaptchaComponent to the app module

In the `app.module.ts` file, import and add the `CaptchaComponent` to the declarations and imports array.

Step 6: Use the CaptchaComponent in your application

In your main application template (e.g., `app.component.html`), add the captcha component like this:



Step 7: Run the application

Now you can run your Angular 6 application using the following command:


ng serve


Visit `http://localhost:4200` in your web browser to see the Angular 6 captcha example in action.

Please note that this example assumes you have a backend API that generates captcha images and validates user inputs. The URLs provided in the example are placeholders; you should replace them with your actual backend endpoints. Additionally, you can implement more advanced captcha techniques, but this basic example should give you a starting point.